Our Stories

We Exchange Letters

Hey fam ❤

How YOU doing? Joey from Friends is being immortalised as a talking chatbot

I and Ladaku started with our own tradition of exchanging letters a few years back.

It was his 23rd birthday and I decided to write him a letter. We were just friends at that time. I wrote freaking ten pages letter. I was so unsure about giving it to him. Because which friend does such thing, right?

Later on, I got to know tht he cried reading that letter. It’s selfish to say this but yes I felt good that he cares.

Ladaku has always been my home. My comfortable place to be.

So, when we started dating, because of that letter, we started to exchange letters every month. Yes we met almost every day, still we shared so much through letters. I personally believe that letters hold something stronger than what we just say.

Every month, we exchange letters, but due to this pandemic and a few fights we haven’t for a month. Right now, it’s my turn to send him a letter. Tomorrow it’s our monthly anniversary so, I am going to write it todaaaayy!

I would love to know what’s your personal couple tradition. Comment below.

– Lazy

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